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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset ONS Geography Linked Data Portal - Boundary Polygons.

RDF Resource

This is a Linked Data resource, but we don't visualise this kind of data at the moment. You can explore the RDF for more details: see the API tab.


This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
All metadata
In Graph
POLYGON ((-0.4936586048841298 51.643404826223815, -0.4946230393637716 51.64372541045714, -0.4949894170779687 51.64420036756552, -0.4961318666029945 51.64404959650813, -0.4959106924975398 51.64252435455683, -0.4969124366117212 51.642207778589984, -0.496131718290804 51.641651170312386, -0.4945534939993581 51.641948769942005, -0.4920471102150275 51.64031553073515, -0.4917442559637586 51.64068460980233, -0.4921786624491727 51.640962204195844, -0.4917621347632392 51.64136148434105, -0.4927585796824279 51.642051345460146, -0.4936586048841298 51.643404826223815))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples